The Social Media Project Manager – Blogging Community

Throughout this series, we’ve been looking at ways you can turn the tools of social media into tools of project management. But there is a much simpler way that social media can help us as project managers. Already there are project managers out there who are sharing their expertise through blogging, and that means there are many places we can go to develop ourselves as project managers.

Today, I would like to share with you some of the best project management blogs and resources that are out there. Now, this list isn’t designed to be comprehensive, but it will point you at some of the places I go.

First up, we have PM Hut. This site is a large collection of categorized project management articles, gathered from all over the web. There are many different project managers appearing here as authors, and a wide range of different views from them.

Next, we have PM Student. This site is primarily the work of Josh Nankivel, who you may recall I recommend you follow way back when we covered Twitter. As well as Josh, there are a few guest authors, and a lively group of commenters to keep you entertained!

Project Shrink is a blog by Bas de Baar, a software project manager. the blog has the tagline “Projects Are About Humans. We Help You Deal With That.” The site has a variety of posts that can help you be a more flexible and people-focused project manager. Take a look!

PM Tips is a collaborative blog that covers not only project management, but also “collaboration, knowledge management and all other work 2.0 concepts present in today’s web 2.0 world”! It offers practical tips and advice to help you be a better project manager.

Finally, do take a look at Pawel Brodinski on Software Project Management. This blog is more personal than the others I have mentioned here, and covers a lot of ground.

There are many more high quality blogs out there as well – I haven’t mentioned Jurgen Appelo’s Noop, Elizabeth Harrin’s PM4Girls, or John Reiling’s PM Crunch, all of which deserve a look.

Don’t forget, however, that if you join the Project Management Guide FriendFeed room the feeds from these blogs, and more, are pulled together into one handy place. Join in, and get commenting!

As I say, these are just a few of the blogs I go to. What blogs do you recommend? Which ones have you found to be most useful? And why? Let me know!

Part of The Social Media Project Manager Series.
