Times of Scarcity

Project management with scarce resources, and in troubled organisations, brings new challenges. Be mindful of the needs of the people around you, but remember your job is to make the project a success.

One of the most difficult times for a project manager is when resources are scarce. You have to scrabble around, trying to find people who can complete different work packages, or to find enough money in the budget to pay for vital supplies.

Even worse is when the whole organisation is finding recources scarce. Then it’s even more important to be able to explain the benefits of your project, and fight to get it the resources it needs to be successful.

But worst of all is when resources are scarce for the organisation, and your project is about cutting costs – because most of the time that is a euphemism for cutting staff.

I’ve been brought in to run projects like that from time to time. It is a very difficult position for anyone to be in. It is also a problem for the project – an external consultant brought in to run a project which may lead to job losses is almost automatically distrusted.

An extra difficulty is that the people best placed to know how to make the project a success are also likely to be amongst those whose jobs will be put at risk. Initially, some will be eager to help, to get a connection with the project, but those who aren’t part of the project could very easily come to feel defensive and resentful.

There’s no easy way to deal with this. You have to remember that the project you are working on is for the benefit of the organisation as a whole, and unfortunately that means some people within it may suffer. Understand their feelings, but keep working to make the project a success.

The Executive is the one who makes the decisions about whether the project is right for the organisation. You have to trust his judgement, and be as professional as you can in completing the project.

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Tags: project managementproject management guideproject management tips
Trevor Roberts :