Remembering What’s Important

Well, we’re heading into a long weekend over here in the UK, where hopefully we’ll all get to have some down time, a chance to let our brains catch up with our bodies for a bit.

All of us are guilty at one time or another of letting ourselves get distracted from the important parts of our job. As an example, take a look at this experiment by Gantthead’s Dave Garrett. (Yeah, I cheated and answered twice – what can I say? I must be indecisive…)

None of those answers are wrong, or unimportant – but how often do we forget about them?

For example, right now, there is a big buzz around using social media in project management. This is something I happen to think will be big in the future – I’ve written about the Social Media Project Manager before, and there’s even The Social Media Project Manager Slideshow. But, and it’s a big but, there are still lots of challenges in the way.

And I think one of the challenges is that some of us, and I include myself in this, get very excited by the technology, and focus on that, and forget about the real strength of social media – that being the social part. The people part.

As the Project Shrink says, projects are about humans. And he’s also done some thinking about what problems in project management social media can solve which is well worth a look.

But back to my more general point – we all need to take some time out every now and then to make sure we are still able to spot the important things. So, over this weekend, relax, take some time, re-connect with the important people in your life.

And, yes, have a quick think about what is important in your current project, and what isn’t. Then you know what you need to focus on.

Have a great weekend.

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Tags: project managementproject management blog
Trevor Roberts :